Sunday, August 22, 2010

Stung by a bee, but...

I had a friend out chop up a bunch of logs that were laying on the ground in the front yard.  As he was cutting, he discovered that I have a ground hive of honey bees under one of the logs.  Not such a big deal because these bees are not very aggressive - he just moved away without getting stung and was actually able to come back after they'd settled and move some of the logs out of the way.

But of course, the hive happens to be right in the area where the puppies choose to spend most of their time (go figure!).  Anyway, the flashy boy sat on the hive the other night.  Literally sat on it.  The bees, as you can imagine, were not very happy with that state of affairs, so he got stung on the bum.  He yipped and jumped up and the bees came buzzing lazily out of their hive to hover around the entrance to the hive.  As I said, these are not aggressive bees so he didn't get stung again - I love honey bees for that reason!

Anyway, I checked this puppy five, ten, thirty minutes later and guess what?  NO swelling!  I couldn't even tell where he'd been stung....

And that, ladies and gentlemen is one of the big reasons I chose to breed Porsche to Ronin.  The majority of Ronin's kids and grandkids do not have severe reactions to bites and stings.

I'm thrilled to see that trait has passed down - at least to one puppy!

Nine weeks and they're off...

Well, two of Porsche's puppies have made their way to their new homes.  The flashy boy will be with us until the end of the month as his owners have work commitments until then, and boy#3 (who as yet has no name) will be staying with me.

That just leaves two more puppies to find homes - Boy #2 and Girl #2 the flashy girl.  Hopefully I can find homes for them soon - they deserve to have more one on one time than I can give them.

That said, my mom spends time every day cuddling with each of the little darlings one on one!  :)

Keep your eyes and ears out for a good home for one of these guys!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eight oh my!

It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're having fun!!  I have spent so much time with these little monsters - watching, cuddling, snuggling...and thinking.  Today was vet checks and their first vaccine (parvo/distemper only) as well as assessments.

Now the hard task of deciding which puppy is staying, and where the others are going!  I will be updating my website with eight week photos shortly (probably tomorrow) for everyone to see!

It's been a long day, so I'm off to bed!  4:30 am comes awfully early when the pups have to get up to pee!! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Off to Red Deer for PAT's today!

Porsche's puppies and I (and my good friend Kat) are headed down to Red Deer to have Cindy and Joanne do Puppy Aptitude Testing.  It is a formal form of temperament testing that gives some addiitonal information about the puppies' temperament over and above the information that I collect during their development and eight week assessments.

It will be interesting to see what I've got!  :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week Seven Candid Photos - Part 4

Looking for more photos?  They're here in earlier posts - use the menu to the right to navigate through the older posts!  Enjoy!

Week Seven Candid Photos - Part 3

Week Seven Candid Photos - Part 2

Week Seven Candid Photos - Part 1

It was a lovely day (hot and humid) so I decided to sit down on the (damp) grass and take some photos of the babies.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week Six Candids - Part Five

Week Six Candids - Part Four

Week Six Candids - Part Three

Week Six Candids - Part Two

Week Six Candids - Part One

I was able to get some photos of Porsche's babies the other night.  I've been busy getting everything arranged for Lily's babies to go home this weekend and most nights I haven't been able to eat supper (let alone get to sleep!) before 10pm! The other night, however, I spent some time with the puppies and my camera in my (very mosquito infested, overgrown!) yard.

I hope you enjoy!

Puppies' first road trip

I had to run into the city today to pick up some things for the puppies that are flying to their new homes on Monday (Lily's crew), and I decided at the last minute (really - I was in the truck and decided!) to take Porsche's puppies on a road trip.  Since it was going to be a quick trip, I figured what the heck?

So I packed the six little wigglers into the truck and away we went.  Oh...and did I mention it was also their first time locked in a crate?  /grin  They did better than expected, actually.  After only a few minutes of crying they settled down for a good nap and didn't wake up until I made my first stop.

When I was done picking up my dog food, I set up the x-pens beside the entrance to Bridgebrand and the Edmonton Humane Society and put the puppies out to pee and have a wee play.  The first huge delivery truck that rumbled/hissed by us did give them a bit of a pause, but the following cavalcade of monster delivery trucks that followed didn't even tweak their interest.

All in all I'm very pleased with how these puppies are developing in terms of temperament - they are outgoing, sweet and feisty...just the way I like 'em!   :)

Stay tuned for some candid photos in the next day or so!