I had a friend out chop up a bunch of logs that were laying on the ground in the front yard. As he was cutting, he discovered that I have a ground hive of honey bees under one of the logs. Not such a big deal because these bees are not very aggressive - he just moved away without getting stung and was actually able to come back after they'd settled and move some of the logs out of the way.
But of course, the hive happens to be right in the area where the puppies choose to spend most of their time (go figure!). Anyway, the flashy boy sat on the hive the other night. Literally sat on it. The bees, as you can imagine, were not very happy with that state of affairs, so he got stung on the bum. He yipped and jumped up and the bees came buzzing lazily out of their hive to hover around the entrance to the hive. As I said, these are not aggressive bees so he didn't get stung again - I love honey bees for that reason!
Anyway, I checked this puppy five, ten, thirty minutes later and guess what? NO swelling! I couldn't even tell where he'd been stung....
And that, ladies and gentlemen is one of the big reasons I chose to breed Porsche to Ronin. The majority of Ronin's kids and grandkids do not have severe reactions to bites and stings.
I'm thrilled to see that trait has passed down - at least to one puppy!
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